Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Training for Monsters of the Midwest!

* = New Personal Record

December 12, 2005 Weight- 336

Clean and Press 155x3, 225x1, 243x1
Seated DB Press 55's x 20, 80's x 20, 100's x 13, 85's x 10
Barbell Curls 115x10, 135x10, 155x10
DB Louies 50's x 15, 60's x 15

December 13, 2005 Wt- 340

18" Rack Deadlifts 335x3, 535x1, 625x1, 715x1 (sumo)*
Power Shrugs 335x10, 535x10*
Squat Lockout 535x10 seconds, 735x10 seconds
Incline Sit-ups 20, 15
Side Bends 85x15, 100x10
Leg Curls 120 x 20, 120 x 12
Standing Calf Raises 300x10, 300x10

December 16, 2005 Wt-341

Shoulder Press Machine 160x30, 250x15, 320x10*, 390x10*, 250x15
Plate Loaded Pulldown Machine 225x15, 315x15, 405x17*
JM Press 135x10, 225x10, 275x10 right pec still sore
Hammer Curls 45's x 10, 60's x 10, 75's x 10*
Hang for time 30 seconds- easy

December 20, 2005 Wt- 340

Feeling sick but training anyway

Seated DB Press 60's x 20, 85's x 15, 120's x 7*
Shoulder Press Machine 230x8, 340x8, 410x6*, 250x15
DB Curls 50's x 10, 65's x 8, 85's x 10*, 60's x 8
Dip Machine 285x20*, 285x15

December 22, 2005 (Sick) Wt-335

18" Deadlift w/ suit bottoms and wrist straps 245x3, 445x3, 645x1, 735x1*, 805x0
1/2 squat with suit bottoms 245x8, 425x5, 605x3*
Side Bends 100x10, 100x10
Incline Sit-ups 15, 15
Leg Curls 120x15, 120x15
Leg Extensions 120x15, 120x15

December 23, 2005 Wt-337

Behind the Neck Push Press 135x6, 226x5, 275x5, 305x5*
Plate Loaded Row Machine 135x10, 225x10, 315x10, 365x10*
Hang for time 45 seconds*
Rolling Thunder 100, 125

December 26, 2005 Wt- 343

Shoulder Press Machine 180x20, 270x10, 360x10, 430x10*, 500x1*
Seated DB Press 75's x 15
Barbell Curls 115x10, 165x3 (wrists sore)
DB Louies 50's x 10, 70's x 10

December 28, 2005

Atlas Stone Lift 254 x 6
Axle hold for time 160 x 30 seconds, 250 x 43 seconds, 250 x 30 seconds, 160 x 30 seconds

December 30, 2005 Wt- 342

Behind the Neck Push Press 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x6*
Close Grip Pulldowns 150x10, 200x10
Seated DB Press 60's x 20, 85's x 20
DB Curls 60's x 10
Pushdowns 130x15

January 2, 2006 Wt- 344

Standing DB Press 60's x 10, 85's x 5, 120's x 6*
DB Curls 45's x 10, 65's x 10, 90's x 7*
JM Press 135x10, 225x10, 315x12*
Preacher Curl Machine 120x12
Dip Machine 250x20

January 4, 2006

Deadlift from just above the knees w/ suit bottoms and wrist straps 245x3, 445x3, 645x1, 825x1, 915x0
Power Shrugs 245x10, 445x10, 585x10*
Leg Curls 120x15
Leg Extensions 150x15, 360x10
Incline Sit-ups 20x15
Side Bends 100x10
Hang for time 35 seconds

January 5, 2006

Log Lift (clean once and press) 132x5, 232x5, 282x3, 322x0, 282x5*, 282x3*cleaning each rep
CG Bench 135x20, 225x10

January 14, 2006- Contest Day

Monsters of the Midwest

Event 1- 300# Log Clean and Press for reps- 4 reps

Event 2- 900# Super Yoke for 50 feet- 13 seconds

Event 3- Hercules Hold 400# per hand- 45 seconds (I was in first place after this event)

Event 4- Silver Dollar Deadlift- 910 pounds (I dropped to 2nd place after this event)

Event 5- Atlas Stones- 260, 300, 300, 330 and I could not breath enough to finish the rest.

I dropped to 4th place overall due to my lack of cardiovascular conditioning. If I would have had better stamina, I should have won the log lift and the stones, which would have made me the winner. I am not making excuses, rather I am upset with myself for not training properly to get myself into condition for the events that require strength endurance.

Congratulations to Heath Allison for winning the contest and becoming the newest Strongman Pro. He deserved it.

By the way, I am trying to do as many competitions as I can afford to do this year, so if anyone is interested in sponsoring me, click here.


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