Aaron Anderton's training for the Utah's Strongest Man contest
I am begining this training phase at a bodyweight of 350 pounds. My goal is to improve my conditioning for the purpose of strongman competitions and to improve my strength and technique in the various events. Specifically, I want to gain strength in the overhead lifts and the deadlift. I want to improve my technique and conditioning in the tire flip and the atlas stones. I need to improve my grip and work on the farmers walk as well, so I have a lot of work in front of me. I will probably lose some weight over the next 13 weeks until the contest (The contest date is June 9th), but that is not my primary focus. Strongman is about performance, so that will be my focus.
March 11, 2006
Shoulder Press Machine 140x30, 280x15, 280x15, 280x10
Chest supported Row 150x10, 200x10, 220x10, 220x15
Bench Press (Medium grip) 135x15, 225x10, 315x7
Preacher Machine 120x13, 120x13
Dip Machine 210x20, 230x15
March 13, 2006
Standing Overhead Press 95x8, 135x5, 135x10, 185x10, 225x3, 275x3
Pulldowns 200x10, 250x10
Incline DB Press 90's x 15, 120's x 15*
March 15, 2006
I am recovering from a minor back strain, so I am going light on Deadlifts to test my recovery. Don't expect any big weights yet.
Deadlifts 155x10, 245x5, 335x3, 425x3 feeling good, no pain
Incline Sit-ups 15, 15
Leg Extensions 150x12, 180x10
Leg Curls 120x10, 150x10
Seated Calf Raises 90x20, 135x20
45 degree Hyperextensions 15, 15
Rope Crunches 200x20, 200x20
March 17, 2006
Incline Press 135x15, 225x8, 315x3, 405x1, 425x1, 455- almost
Chest Supported Row 130x10, 220x20*
DB Curls 45's x 10, 55's x 10, 55's x 10
1 Arm Overhead Extension 45x10
Triceps Pushdowns 100x15, 100x15
* = Personal Record
March 21, 2006
Standing Barbell Press 95x10, 135x10, 225x5, 275x5*, 295x1*
Pulldowns 200x12, 250x10, 250x10
Hammer Curls 45x10, 60x10, 60x10
DB Louies 45x10, 75x10, 75x10
Side Lateral Raises 30's x 10
March 23, 2006 Wt- 342
Squats 135x10, 225x8, 315x5, 405x5
Crunches 40
Leg Extensions 150x15, 150x15
Leg Curls 120x10, 120x10
45 degree Hyperextensions 15
This workout was not very heavy, but I was very happy with it because my back finally felt good again. I expect to start seeing some big improvement on my Squat and Deadlift numbers in the coming weeks.
March 25, 2006 Wt-345
Bench Press 135x15, 225x5, 315x5, 365x3, 405x1, 435x3*
Chest supported row 130x10, 220x12, 220x12, 220x12
JM Press 135x10, 225x10, 275x10
DB Curls 40's x 10, 55's x 8, 70's x 8
March 29, 2006 Wt- 341
Incline Bench Press 135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 405x5*
Plate Loaded Pulldown 225x10, 315x10, 405x20*
Seated DB Press 80's x 10, 100's x 18*
Hammer Curls 60's x 10
DB Louies 60's x 10
Crunches 30
March 31, 2006 Wt. 340
Deadlift 245x5, 455x3, 545x4
Leg Curls 120x15, 170x8
Seated Calf Raises 135x30, 180x20*
Leg Extensions 120x10, 170x10
April 3, 2006
Standing Press 95x10, 135x10, 225x3, 275x1, 315x1*
Pulldowns 180x10, 220x10, 250x10
DB Curls 50's x 10, 70's x 5, 80's x 5
Triceps Pushdowns 90x12, 120x10
Preacher Curl Machine 120x12, 120x10, 120x10
Triceps Machine 150x20, 200x20, 200x20
April 6, 2006 Wt- 336
Squats w/ belt and knee warmers 135x5, 225x5, 320x5, 410x5, 460x7*
Standing Calf Raises 200x10, 300x10, 300x10
Leg Curls 120x10, 120x10
Leg Extensions 120x15, 150x10
Hyperextensions 10
Crunches 30
April 8, 2006
Bench Press 135x10, 225x10, 315x5, 405x1, 425x4*
Seated Row w/Rope handle 110x10, 150x8 (really hard on the grip)
Preacher Machine 120x12, 120x12
Dip Machine 210x30, 210x20
April 11, 2006
Side Lateral Raises 20's x 15, 25's x 15, 30's x 15, 30's x 10
Standing Front Press 135x10, 225x5, 275x2
Close-grip Pulldowns 100x10, 200x10, 250x10
DB Curls 40's x 10, 55's x 8, 70's x 8, 50's x 10
1 arm Overhead Triceps Extension 30x10, 45x10, 60x10, 45x10
April 15, 2006 Wt- 331
Deadlift 155x10, 355x5, 445x2, 585x1 for 6 sets with 1 minute rest between each.
Incline Bench Press 135x10, 225x8, 315x5, 365x6
2 Dumbbell Row 110's x 10
Preacher Curl machine 120x12, 120x10
Triceps Extension Machine 150x20, 150x10
April 17, 2006
Upright Rows 95x10, 135x10, 135x10
Shoulder Press Machine 150x10, 210x12
Close-Grip Pulldowns 150x12
Incline DB Curls 35's x 10, 40's x 10
Rope Pushdowns 70x10, 70x10
Feeling sick and no energy
April 20, 2006 Wt- 335
Squat w/ belt only 135x8, 230x5, 320x3, 410x1, 500x2
1/2 Squat off the pins 590x1, 680x1, 770x1 easy, but no more room on the bar.
Incline Sit-ups 20
45 degree Hyperextensions 15
April 21, 2006
Bench Press 135x20, 135x20, 225x5, 315x3, 365x1, 405x1, 275x22*
DB Curls 35's x 10, 50's x 10
April 24, 2006 Weight- 340
Standing Press 140x10, 190x5, 230x3, 280x3, 320x1*
Seated Row w/ rope 150x8, 100x10
Seated Row 250x10, 250x10
Medium Grip Bench Press 135x10, 225x5, 315x3, 365x1, 405x1
DB Curls 55's x 10, 70's x 8
April 28, 2006 Weight- 340
Incline Press 135x10, 135x10, 225x10, 275x3, 315x3, 365x3, 405x1
Plate Loaded Pulldown 225x10, 315x10, 405x10
Bench Press 135x10, 225x5, 315x1, 405x1
DB Curls 35's x 10, 45's x 10, 60's x 10, 50's x 10
April 29, 2006
Deadlift 245x5, 335x3, 425x1, 515x1, 605x1
Tire Flip 900x 6 flips, 900x 7 flips, 900x 5 flips
May 2, 2006
Standing Barbell Press 135x5, 230x5, 280x3, 325x1*, 340x1*
Close Grip Pulldowns 200x10, 250x10
Bench Press 135x20, 225x10, 315x5, 410x1
JM Press 135x10, 225x10, 315x7
DB Curl 50's x 10, 70's x 6, 90's x 6
May 8, 2006 Weight- 344
Standing Barbell Press 95x20, 135x5, 225x5, 275x1, 315x1, 315x1, 315x1, 315x1
Plate Loaded Row Machine 205x10, 295x10, 385x10*
Standing DB Press 80's x 10, 95's x 15*
JM Press 135x15, 225x10
DB Curls 60's x 8, 75's x 6
Just ran out of time on the last two exercises.
May 9, 2006
Deadlift 245x5, 425x2, 610x1, 635x1, 635x1, 635x1, 635x1, 635x1, 635x1
Power Shrugs 230x10, 320x10, 410x10
Incline Sit Ups 20
Beginning use of Anator p70 by Muscletech
May 12, 2006 Weight- 340
Incline Press 135x20, 225x5, 315x5, 365x5
Pulldowns 200x10, 250x15, 250x10
Incline DB Press 90's x 15, 120's x 16*
Barbell Curls 95x5, 135x5, 185x5
DB Louies 60's x 10
May 13, 2006 Event training
Farmers Walk 260 per hand for 220 feet
Atlas Stone 254x1 with a hold at the top, then a controlled lowering for 4 sets
Grip work
May 16, 2006 Weight- 346
Standing Barbell Press 135x10, 185x10, 225x5, 275x3, 315x1
Bent Barbell Rows 135x10, 225x10, 315x10
DB Curls 55's x 10, 55's x 10
1 Arm Overhead DB Extension 45's x 10, 45's x 10
Incline Sit-ups 15, 15
May 17, 2006
Squats (w/ belt only) 135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 410x5, 500x5*
Rope Crunches 150x50
45 degree hyperextension 20
Seated Calf raises 135x20, 135x25
Leg Extensions 120x20, 150x10
lower back sore
May 19, 2006 Wt- 344
Medium Grip Bench Press 135x20, 225x5, 315x5, 405x3
Upright Row 135x10, 185x10, 225x10*
Hammer Curls 50's x 10, 65's x 10, 80's x 10
JM Press 135x10, 225x10, 275x10
* = Personal Best
May 20, 2006
Atlas Stone (lift the stone from the ground to my lap, up to a standing position in front of my chest and hold it for a count of one or two, then return to my lap under control for another rep.)
254 x 3, 254x5, 254x4, 254x4 (no tacky, only chalk)
Grip work
May 22, 2006 Wt- 345 (Day 11 of Anator p70)
Standing Barbell Press 135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 275x3, 315x2, 335x1, 315x2*
DB Curls 50's x 10, 70's x 10, 85's x 6
Dip Machine 210x10, 285x30*, 285x10
Machine Row 220x15, 220x12, 220x10
May 24, 2006
Deadlift (Belt only) 255x5, 455x1, 655x1, 655x1, 655x3 (w/straps)
That's all for today.
May 27, 2006 Weight- 350
Bench Press 135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 385x3, 435x4*, 315x19*
Grip work Wrist roller (2 inch bar) 100 pounds for multiple sets with holds of 30 seconds per hand at the end.
May 30, 2006
Seated DB Press 60's x 20, 80's x 10, 100's x 20*
Upright Row 95x10, 135x10, 185x10
Plate Loaded Pulldown 225x10, 315x10, 405x10 easy
JM Press 135x10, 225x10, 275x10
DB Curls 45's x 10, 65's x 10, 100's x 3 too much
May 31, 2006 Weight- 346
Deadlift 225x5, 455x1, 655x1, 655x1
Leg Press 1/2 reps 400x50 lower back too sore
Rope Crunches 200x30
June 2, 2006 Weight- 350
Standing Barbell Press 95x10, 135x10, 225x5, 275x1, 315x1, 335x1, 355x1*
Plate Loaded Row 225x15, 315x10, 405x8*
Hammer Curls 45's x 10, 65's x 10
1 Arm Overhead Tricep Extension 45x10, 60x10
* = Personal Record
June 9, 2006 Contest Day
1st event- Tire Flip and Hummer Pull
It was an 820 pound tire that was very difficult to grip. There were 14 of the strongest men in the country there to try and earn their pro card, but almost half of them did not even flip the tire for the whole 60 feet before the time ran out. I finished the tire portion but only had 5 seconds to pull the Hummer before I was out of time. That event was grueling and I finished in seventh place, I think.
2nd event- Log Lift
This event was to determine who could lift the heaviest log overhead. We were limited to 3 attempts, so we had to choose our attempst wisely. I opened with 290, which was a little lighter than I had planned, but I was still wobbly from my exertions in the first event. My first lift went alright, but I had trouble balancing with my rubbery legs. My second attempt was 310 pounds and that felt a little bit better. My final attempt was 330 pounds, and that one was my easiest attempt. My legs were finally feeling normal and I felt like I could probably have done 350 that day. One other strongman tied with me at 330, so we split the prize money they were giving to the winners of each event.
3rd event- Deadlift Medley
There were four deadlift bars loaded to 550, 600, 650, and 700 pounds. The goal was to lift the bar, get the down signal, and move to the next one as quickly as possible, finishing all four in the fastest time. We were allowed to use lifting straps to help with our grip, and deadlift suits if we chose to. I chose to only wear a lifting belt. I went second to last and a few people had finished all four, and in pretty good time, so I knew I had to move fast. I pulled the 550 very quickly and moved on to the 600 which also went quickly. I heard them say that only 6 seconds had elapsed and I was halfway done. I was not using the straps to save time, but I did have them on my wrists in case I needed them. I approached the 650 and pulled it quickly, too. I made a quick decision to not use the straps on the 700 because my grip felt good, and I knew I needed to be fast. I grasped the 700 pound barbell and pulled hard. I was coming up pretty good, but as I reached lockout, it began to slip and I couldn't complete the lift. I held it for a couple of seconds trying to finish the lift but I had to set it down. Wasting precious time, I wrapped the straps around the bar and pulled again. This time the pull was much harder since it was now my 5th rep and my 2nd with 700, but I completed it and finished in 3rd place on that event. I was angry with myself for not using the straps on my first attempt with 700 because that decision cost me first place and 100 dollars.
4th event- 700 pound Frame Carry
I was looking forward to this event because I am usually good at walking with heavy weights. The only problem for me was that the handles were thick and smooth, and my grip is my weak point. When it was my turn, I picked up the frame easily and began to quickly walk the 40 foot course. At the halfway point, the frame slipped out of my hands and fell to the ground. I quickly picked it up again and hurried toward the finish line, trying to make up for lost time. Again it slipped just before the finish line and I place in the middle of the pack on an event I thought I would do much better at.
5th event- Atlas Stones
This was the hardest stone event I had ever seen, in person or on TV. All stones had to be lifted onto 54 inch platforms. The stone weights were 300, 360, 360, 360, 385! I had not practiced much on the stones, so I didn't know what to expect. The first stone wasn't that hard, but the 360 was difficult for me. Twice I had it up at the edge of the platform, just to miss and drop it on the ground. I was very disappointed with my performance in that event, but it was a hard one, and nobody did all five stones.
Overall Placing
I finished in 5th place out of the 14 guys from all around the country. I was disappointed with that and it was obvious that I need to work on my grip and my event training because I think that was what made all the difference. My strength was there but my skill was not. I would like to Congratulate the winner, Brian Shaw, for a phenomenal performance in a very difficult contest. He is now a pro, and it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy (except maybe me). Good Luck Brian!
March 11, 2006
Shoulder Press Machine 140x30, 280x15, 280x15, 280x10
Chest supported Row 150x10, 200x10, 220x10, 220x15
Bench Press (Medium grip) 135x15, 225x10, 315x7
Preacher Machine 120x13, 120x13
Dip Machine 210x20, 230x15
March 13, 2006
Standing Overhead Press 95x8, 135x5, 135x10, 185x10, 225x3, 275x3
Pulldowns 200x10, 250x10
Incline DB Press 90's x 15, 120's x 15*
March 15, 2006
I am recovering from a minor back strain, so I am going light on Deadlifts to test my recovery. Don't expect any big weights yet.
Deadlifts 155x10, 245x5, 335x3, 425x3 feeling good, no pain
Incline Sit-ups 15, 15
Leg Extensions 150x12, 180x10
Leg Curls 120x10, 150x10
Seated Calf Raises 90x20, 135x20
45 degree Hyperextensions 15, 15
Rope Crunches 200x20, 200x20
March 17, 2006
Incline Press 135x15, 225x8, 315x3, 405x1, 425x1, 455- almost
Chest Supported Row 130x10, 220x20*
DB Curls 45's x 10, 55's x 10, 55's x 10
1 Arm Overhead Extension 45x10
Triceps Pushdowns 100x15, 100x15
* = Personal Record
March 21, 2006
Standing Barbell Press 95x10, 135x10, 225x5, 275x5*, 295x1*
Pulldowns 200x12, 250x10, 250x10
Hammer Curls 45x10, 60x10, 60x10
DB Louies 45x10, 75x10, 75x10
Side Lateral Raises 30's x 10
March 23, 2006 Wt- 342
Squats 135x10, 225x8, 315x5, 405x5
Crunches 40
Leg Extensions 150x15, 150x15
Leg Curls 120x10, 120x10
45 degree Hyperextensions 15
This workout was not very heavy, but I was very happy with it because my back finally felt good again. I expect to start seeing some big improvement on my Squat and Deadlift numbers in the coming weeks.
March 25, 2006 Wt-345
Bench Press 135x15, 225x5, 315x5, 365x3, 405x1, 435x3*
Chest supported row 130x10, 220x12, 220x12, 220x12
JM Press 135x10, 225x10, 275x10
DB Curls 40's x 10, 55's x 8, 70's x 8
March 29, 2006 Wt- 341
Incline Bench Press 135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 405x5*
Plate Loaded Pulldown 225x10, 315x10, 405x20*
Seated DB Press 80's x 10, 100's x 18*
Hammer Curls 60's x 10
DB Louies 60's x 10
Crunches 30
March 31, 2006 Wt. 340
Deadlift 245x5, 455x3, 545x4
Leg Curls 120x15, 170x8
Seated Calf Raises 135x30, 180x20*
Leg Extensions 120x10, 170x10
April 3, 2006
Standing Press 95x10, 135x10, 225x3, 275x1, 315x1*
Pulldowns 180x10, 220x10, 250x10
DB Curls 50's x 10, 70's x 5, 80's x 5
Triceps Pushdowns 90x12, 120x10
Preacher Curl Machine 120x12, 120x10, 120x10
Triceps Machine 150x20, 200x20, 200x20
April 6, 2006 Wt- 336
Squats w/ belt and knee warmers 135x5, 225x5, 320x5, 410x5, 460x7*
Standing Calf Raises 200x10, 300x10, 300x10
Leg Curls 120x10, 120x10
Leg Extensions 120x15, 150x10
Hyperextensions 10
Crunches 30
April 8, 2006
Bench Press 135x10, 225x10, 315x5, 405x1, 425x4*
Seated Row w/Rope handle 110x10, 150x8 (really hard on the grip)
Preacher Machine 120x12, 120x12
Dip Machine 210x30, 210x20
April 11, 2006
Side Lateral Raises 20's x 15, 25's x 15, 30's x 15, 30's x 10
Standing Front Press 135x10, 225x5, 275x2
Close-grip Pulldowns 100x10, 200x10, 250x10
DB Curls 40's x 10, 55's x 8, 70's x 8, 50's x 10
1 arm Overhead Triceps Extension 30x10, 45x10, 60x10, 45x10
April 15, 2006 Wt- 331
Deadlift 155x10, 355x5, 445x2, 585x1 for 6 sets with 1 minute rest between each.
Incline Bench Press 135x10, 225x8, 315x5, 365x6
2 Dumbbell Row 110's x 10
Preacher Curl machine 120x12, 120x10
Triceps Extension Machine 150x20, 150x10
April 17, 2006
Upright Rows 95x10, 135x10, 135x10
Shoulder Press Machine 150x10, 210x12
Close-Grip Pulldowns 150x12
Incline DB Curls 35's x 10, 40's x 10
Rope Pushdowns 70x10, 70x10
Feeling sick and no energy
April 20, 2006 Wt- 335
Squat w/ belt only 135x8, 230x5, 320x3, 410x1, 500x2
1/2 Squat off the pins 590x1, 680x1, 770x1 easy, but no more room on the bar.
Incline Sit-ups 20
45 degree Hyperextensions 15
April 21, 2006
Bench Press 135x20, 135x20, 225x5, 315x3, 365x1, 405x1, 275x22*
DB Curls 35's x 10, 50's x 10
April 24, 2006 Weight- 340
Standing Press 140x10, 190x5, 230x3, 280x3, 320x1*
Seated Row w/ rope 150x8, 100x10
Seated Row 250x10, 250x10
Medium Grip Bench Press 135x10, 225x5, 315x3, 365x1, 405x1
DB Curls 55's x 10, 70's x 8
April 28, 2006 Weight- 340
Incline Press 135x10, 135x10, 225x10, 275x3, 315x3, 365x3, 405x1
Plate Loaded Pulldown 225x10, 315x10, 405x10
Bench Press 135x10, 225x5, 315x1, 405x1
DB Curls 35's x 10, 45's x 10, 60's x 10, 50's x 10
April 29, 2006
Deadlift 245x5, 335x3, 425x1, 515x1, 605x1
Tire Flip 900x 6 flips, 900x 7 flips, 900x 5 flips
May 2, 2006
Standing Barbell Press 135x5, 230x5, 280x3, 325x1*, 340x1*
Close Grip Pulldowns 200x10, 250x10
Bench Press 135x20, 225x10, 315x5, 410x1
JM Press 135x10, 225x10, 315x7
DB Curl 50's x 10, 70's x 6, 90's x 6
May 8, 2006 Weight- 344
Standing Barbell Press 95x20, 135x5, 225x5, 275x1, 315x1, 315x1, 315x1, 315x1
Plate Loaded Row Machine 205x10, 295x10, 385x10*
Standing DB Press 80's x 10, 95's x 15*
JM Press 135x15, 225x10
DB Curls 60's x 8, 75's x 6
Just ran out of time on the last two exercises.
May 9, 2006
Deadlift 245x5, 425x2, 610x1, 635x1, 635x1, 635x1, 635x1, 635x1, 635x1
Power Shrugs 230x10, 320x10, 410x10
Incline Sit Ups 20
Beginning use of Anator p70 by Muscletech
May 12, 2006 Weight- 340
Incline Press 135x20, 225x5, 315x5, 365x5
Pulldowns 200x10, 250x15, 250x10
Incline DB Press 90's x 15, 120's x 16*
Barbell Curls 95x5, 135x5, 185x5
DB Louies 60's x 10
May 13, 2006 Event training
Farmers Walk 260 per hand for 220 feet
Atlas Stone 254x1 with a hold at the top, then a controlled lowering for 4 sets
Grip work
May 16, 2006 Weight- 346
Standing Barbell Press 135x10, 185x10, 225x5, 275x3, 315x1
Bent Barbell Rows 135x10, 225x10, 315x10
DB Curls 55's x 10, 55's x 10
1 Arm Overhead DB Extension 45's x 10, 45's x 10
Incline Sit-ups 15, 15
May 17, 2006
Squats (w/ belt only) 135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 410x5, 500x5*
Rope Crunches 150x50
45 degree hyperextension 20
Seated Calf raises 135x20, 135x25
Leg Extensions 120x20, 150x10
lower back sore
May 19, 2006 Wt- 344
Medium Grip Bench Press 135x20, 225x5, 315x5, 405x3
Upright Row 135x10, 185x10, 225x10*
Hammer Curls 50's x 10, 65's x 10, 80's x 10
JM Press 135x10, 225x10, 275x10
* = Personal Best
May 20, 2006
Atlas Stone (lift the stone from the ground to my lap, up to a standing position in front of my chest and hold it for a count of one or two, then return to my lap under control for another rep.)
254 x 3, 254x5, 254x4, 254x4 (no tacky, only chalk)
Grip work
May 22, 2006 Wt- 345 (Day 11 of Anator p70)
Standing Barbell Press 135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 275x3, 315x2, 335x1, 315x2*
DB Curls 50's x 10, 70's x 10, 85's x 6
Dip Machine 210x10, 285x30*, 285x10
Machine Row 220x15, 220x12, 220x10
May 24, 2006
Deadlift (Belt only) 255x5, 455x1, 655x1, 655x1, 655x3 (w/straps)
That's all for today.
May 27, 2006 Weight- 350
Bench Press 135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 385x3, 435x4*, 315x19*
Grip work Wrist roller (2 inch bar) 100 pounds for multiple sets with holds of 30 seconds per hand at the end.
May 30, 2006
Seated DB Press 60's x 20, 80's x 10, 100's x 20*
Upright Row 95x10, 135x10, 185x10
Plate Loaded Pulldown 225x10, 315x10, 405x10 easy
JM Press 135x10, 225x10, 275x10
DB Curls 45's x 10, 65's x 10, 100's x 3 too much
May 31, 2006 Weight- 346
Deadlift 225x5, 455x1, 655x1, 655x1
Leg Press 1/2 reps 400x50 lower back too sore
Rope Crunches 200x30
June 2, 2006 Weight- 350
Standing Barbell Press 95x10, 135x10, 225x5, 275x1, 315x1, 335x1, 355x1*
Plate Loaded Row 225x15, 315x10, 405x8*
Hammer Curls 45's x 10, 65's x 10
1 Arm Overhead Tricep Extension 45x10, 60x10
* = Personal Record
June 9, 2006 Contest Day
1st event- Tire Flip and Hummer Pull
It was an 820 pound tire that was very difficult to grip. There were 14 of the strongest men in the country there to try and earn their pro card, but almost half of them did not even flip the tire for the whole 60 feet before the time ran out. I finished the tire portion but only had 5 seconds to pull the Hummer before I was out of time. That event was grueling and I finished in seventh place, I think.
2nd event- Log Lift
This event was to determine who could lift the heaviest log overhead. We were limited to 3 attempts, so we had to choose our attempst wisely. I opened with 290, which was a little lighter than I had planned, but I was still wobbly from my exertions in the first event. My first lift went alright, but I had trouble balancing with my rubbery legs. My second attempt was 310 pounds and that felt a little bit better. My final attempt was 330 pounds, and that one was my easiest attempt. My legs were finally feeling normal and I felt like I could probably have done 350 that day. One other strongman tied with me at 330, so we split the prize money they were giving to the winners of each event.
3rd event- Deadlift Medley
There were four deadlift bars loaded to 550, 600, 650, and 700 pounds. The goal was to lift the bar, get the down signal, and move to the next one as quickly as possible, finishing all four in the fastest time. We were allowed to use lifting straps to help with our grip, and deadlift suits if we chose to. I chose to only wear a lifting belt. I went second to last and a few people had finished all four, and in pretty good time, so I knew I had to move fast. I pulled the 550 very quickly and moved on to the 600 which also went quickly. I heard them say that only 6 seconds had elapsed and I was halfway done. I was not using the straps to save time, but I did have them on my wrists in case I needed them. I approached the 650 and pulled it quickly, too. I made a quick decision to not use the straps on the 700 because my grip felt good, and I knew I needed to be fast. I grasped the 700 pound barbell and pulled hard. I was coming up pretty good, but as I reached lockout, it began to slip and I couldn't complete the lift. I held it for a couple of seconds trying to finish the lift but I had to set it down. Wasting precious time, I wrapped the straps around the bar and pulled again. This time the pull was much harder since it was now my 5th rep and my 2nd with 700, but I completed it and finished in 3rd place on that event. I was angry with myself for not using the straps on my first attempt with 700 because that decision cost me first place and 100 dollars.
4th event- 700 pound Frame Carry
I was looking forward to this event because I am usually good at walking with heavy weights. The only problem for me was that the handles were thick and smooth, and my grip is my weak point. When it was my turn, I picked up the frame easily and began to quickly walk the 40 foot course. At the halfway point, the frame slipped out of my hands and fell to the ground. I quickly picked it up again and hurried toward the finish line, trying to make up for lost time. Again it slipped just before the finish line and I place in the middle of the pack on an event I thought I would do much better at.
5th event- Atlas Stones
This was the hardest stone event I had ever seen, in person or on TV. All stones had to be lifted onto 54 inch platforms. The stone weights were 300, 360, 360, 360, 385! I had not practiced much on the stones, so I didn't know what to expect. The first stone wasn't that hard, but the 360 was difficult for me. Twice I had it up at the edge of the platform, just to miss and drop it on the ground. I was very disappointed with my performance in that event, but it was a hard one, and nobody did all five stones.
Overall Placing
I finished in 5th place out of the 14 guys from all around the country. I was disappointed with that and it was obvious that I need to work on my grip and my event training because I think that was what made all the difference. My strength was there but my skill was not. I would like to Congratulate the winner, Brian Shaw, for a phenomenal performance in a very difficult contest. He is now a pro, and it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy (except maybe me). Good Luck Brian!