Sunday, August 06, 2006

A Return to Power- Aaron Anderton's Power Training

August 1, 2006 Weight- 338

Medium grip Bench Press 135x15, 225x10, 315x1, 365x1, 405x3
Pulldowns 150x12, 210x12, 210x12
Seated DB press 45's x 20, 75's x 20
DB Curl 55's x 10, 70's x 8, 60's x 10
JM Press 135x15, 225x10, 275x5
Standing Cable Crunch 80x20

August 3, 2006 Weight- 340

Squats 155x5, 245x5, 335x5
Deadlifts 255x5, 333345x1, 435x1, 525x1
Crunches 30, 20

August 5, 2006 Weight- 343

Incline Bench Press 135x15, 225x5, 315x3, 365x1
Seated Row 200x15, 250x10
Bench Press 135x10, 225x5, 315x3, 405x3

August 7, 2006

Medium Grip Bench Press 135x20, 225x10, 315x3, 405x6*
Close Grip Pulldowns 150x12, 210x12, 250x10
Seated DB Press 60's x 20, 80's x 15
DB Curls 55's x 8, 70's x 10
JM Press 135x12, 225x5, 315x5

August 10, 2006 Weight- 344

Deadlift 255x5, 455x1, 545x1, 635x1 (belt only)
Shrugs 225x10, 315x10, 405x10
Standing Cable Crunches 80x20, 120x15

August 12, 2006 Weight- 345

Incline Bench Press 135x15, 225x10, 315x5, 365x5
Plate Loaded Chest-supported Row 225x10, 315x10, 365x10
Bench Press 135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 405x1, 425x3- pretty easy
Preacher Curl machine 120x15, 150x10
Triceps Pushdowns on the Lat Pulldown machine 140x15, 140x10

August 14, 2006 Weight- 343
Started using GAKIC again today.

Medium Grip Bench Press 135x15, 225x10, 315x5, 385x3, 425x1, 455x2* + 1 forced rep
Pulldowns 200x10, 250x10, 250x10
Seated DB Press 70's x 20, 100's x 15
DB Curls 60's x 8, 80's x 8, 50's x 10
JM Press 135x10, 225x10 (arms too wobbly to safely continue)

August 16, 2006 Weight- 345

Squats 145x8, 235x5, 325x5, 415x5, 465x5 (belt and knee warmers)
Good Mornings 145x10 (easy, but I could feel my back was overworked, so I stopped there)
Leg Curls 140x15 (Lower back hurting)
Leg Extensions 140x15

August 21, 2006 Weight- 342

Medium Grip Bench Press 135x15, 225x5, 315x5, 405x3, 455x1, 475x1*, 500x1*
Pulldowns 200x20, 250x12, 250x12
Standing Overhead Press 135x11, 185x5, 225x5, 275x1
DB Curls 65's x 10
1 Arm Overhead Triceps Extension 45x15

* Personal Records- I finally got a 500 pound RAW bench!

August 23, 2006 Weight- 344

Deadlift 245x5, 455x1, 545x1, 635x1, 685x1 (all done with only a belt)
Power Shrugs 225x10, 415x10, 415x10
Incline Sit-ups 15, 15
Leg Curls 150x10, 200x8

August 25, 2006 Weight- 345

Incline Bench Press 135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 365x1, 405x1
Close Grip Bent Row 135x10, 225x10, 315x10
JM Press 135x10, 225x10, 315x6
Preacher Curl Machine 150x15*, 150x7

August 28, 2006 Weight- 342

Medium Grip Bench Press 135x20, 225x20, 315x5, 405x1, 455x1, 315x15
Machine Row 200x15, 220x15, 220x15
DB Curls 55's x 10
DB Louies 55's x 10
Feeling tired and weak. Need to rest more.

August 31, 2006 Weight- 339

I took it easy today because I had been sick as a dog the past two days with some kind of virus.

Squats 135x5, 235x5, 325x5, 415x5, 505x2 (All done with only a belt and knee sleeves)
Good Mornings 145x10, 235x8

That's it for today. I will get some rest and come back stronger.

September 2, 2006 Weight- 342

Side Lateral Raises 20's x 15, 25's x 15, 30's x 20
Seated DB Press 70's x 15, 85's x 15
Pulldowns 200x15, 250x10
Barbell Curls 45x10, 95x10, 135x10
DB Louies 70's x 10

Today was just to get the blood flowing in my shoulder girdle and stretch everything out so that I can have a good, heavy Bench workout on Tuesday.

September 5, 2006 Weight- 346

Medium Grip Bench Press 135x20, 225x10, 315x5, 405x1, 455x1, 505x0, 365x9
Plate Loaded Machine Row 225x10, 315x10
Preacher Curl Machine 120x15, 150x10
Dip Machine 210x15, 285x15
Rope Crunches 180x20

September 8, 2006 Weight- 344

Deadlift 255x5, 455x1 (belt only), 655x1 (suit bottoms- way too tight), 655x1 (belt only)
Seated Calf raise 90x20, 135x20
Incline Sit-ups 20

September 9, 2006 Weight- 345

Bench Press 135x15, 135x10, 225x5, 315x3, 405x3, 455x1
Upright Row 95x15, 95x15, 95x15
1 Arm Overhead Tricep extension 45x12, 45x12, 55x12
DB Curls 45's x 12, 45's x 10, 45's x 5

Last workout before a Bench Press and Deadlift contest on the 16th, so I just wanted to go up to a weight near my opener in the Bench Press and to flush the muscles with blood on the other exercises.

September 16, 2006 Contest Day at the Northwest Push and Pull

I showed up ready to compete RAW with only a lifting belt in the Bench Press and Deadlift.

Bench Press Warm-ups 135x20, 225x5, 335x1, 225x5, 335x1, 425x1

Attempts: 1- 460 2- 490 3- 500 (did not lock it out)

Result- 490

Deadlift Warm-ups 245x5, 445x2, 585x1

Attempts: 1- 685 2- 715 3- 740* 4- 755*

Result- 755 The highest Deadlift in the contest.